
Franz Joseph Dölger-Institut

zur Erforschung der Spätantike

Das Dölger-Institut

der Universität Bonn

Arbeitsstelle der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste

Das F. J. Dölger-Institut
Das F. J. Dölger-



Montag bis Donnerstag: 9 - 12 und 13 -15 Uhr
Freitag: 9 - 12 und 13 - 14 Uhr

Die Bibliothek ist für Besucher geöffnet.
Eine Anmeldung unter martina.thieser@uni-bonn.de ist zwingend erforderlich.

Ein begrenzter Scan-Service wird angeboten unter doelger.bibliothek@uni-bonn.de.

Katalog Hygienekonzept

The F. J. Doelger-Institut carries out interdisciplinary research into different aspects of both confrontation and interaction between Christians, Jews and "pagans" in antiquity and into the complex processes that mark the transformation of late antique culture until the seventh century.

Our interdisciplinary team of scholars prepares for publication the entries of the Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum (RAC), the only comprehensive encyclopaedia worldwide covering all the major aspects of the transformation of late antique culture. For several decades the RAC has been successful in bringing the results of international research in various branches of the humanities to the attention of both scholars and all those who are interested in the foundations of European culture.

The RAC is supplemented by the Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum (JbAC), an annual that analyses the interrelation between antiquity and Christianity by publishing contributions from all the disciplines involved in the study of late antiquity (e.g. Patristic Studies, Christian Archaeology, Liturgical Studies, Classics, Ancient History, Jewish Studies and Religious Studies) and by devoting in-depth reviews to the most recent publications in the field. Monographs and collections of essays that are relevant for the study of late antiqutiy are published in two separate series, i.e. Ergänzungsbände zum Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Kleine Reihe der Ergänzungsbände and Theophaneia.

In addition to these publishing activites, the F.J.Doelger-Institut organises series of lectures for a larger public that are devoted to the presentation and discussion of topics from the various disciplines studying late antiquity. Visiting scholars from abroad, who want to work at our institute and use our research library for a shorter or longer period of time, are always welcome.

This site provides additional information for users and authors of the RAC, e.g. a new list of keywords in English and German englisch-deutsches Stichwort-Verzeichnis, a database of abbreviations used in the RAC Datenbank der im RAC verwendeten Abkürzungen, and an annotated list of internet sites dealing with late antiquity Internet-Adressen zur Spätantike.

News & Termine

07.05.2025 Online-Vortrag: "Classicism and Religion in fourth century CE: the case of the Corbridge lanx", Professor Gianfranco Agosti (University of Pisa) ( Open University of Cyprus bzw. via Link (s. unten) )
24.04.2025 Online-Vortrag: “Revolutionizing Christian Communication with the Divine. Martyrs and their Veneration in Late Antique”, Professor Johannes Hahn (University of Münster) ( Open University of Cyprus bzw. via Link (s. unten) )
10.04.2025 Online-Vortrag: “Christians and Education” (In Greek), Assistant Professor Christos Simelidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ( Open University of Cyprus bzw. via Link (s. unten) )
Anniversary conference IN POSEIDONS REICH XXX with the main theme Shipping | Images. ( Würzburg )
31.03.2025 Call for Papers: "When God created the heavens and the earth: Nature in hexaemeral literature beyond Basil and Ambrose" ( Center for Byzantine Studies, Katowice; Silesian University in Katowice oder via Zoom (24.-25.6.2025) )
Alle Termine