
Franz Joseph Dölger-Institut

zur Erforschung der Spätantike

News & Termine

07.05.2025 Online-Vortrag: "Classicism and Religion in fourth century CE: the case of the Corbridge lanx", Professor Gianfranco Agosti (University of Pisa) ( Open University of Cyprus bzw. via Link (s. unten) )
24.04.2025 Online-Vortrag: “Revolutionizing Christian Communication with the Divine. Martyrs and their Veneration in Late Antique”, Professor Johannes Hahn (University of Münster) ( Open University of Cyprus bzw. via Link (s. unten) )
10.04.2025 Online-Vortrag: “Christians and Education” (In Greek), Assistant Professor Christos Simelidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ( Open University of Cyprus bzw. via Link (s. unten) )
Anniversary conference IN POSEIDONS REICH XXX with the main theme Shipping | Images. ( Würzburg )
31.03.2025 Call for Papers: "When God created the heavens and the earth: Nature in hexaemeral literature beyond Basil and Ambrose" ( Center for Byzantine Studies, Katowice; Silesian University in Katowice oder via Zoom (24.-25.6.2025) )
20.03.2025 Hybrid lecture: “The excavation of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki at Philippi” (In Greek), Professor Natalia Poulou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ( Open University of Cyprus bzw. via Link (s. unten) )
AK Patristik: “Crossroads of Traditions: The Reception of Biblical Figures in Judaism and Christianity" ( Bern )
06.03.2025 Online-Vortrag: “New discoveries in late antique polytheism: The House of Kybele at Aphrodisias”, Dr Ine Jacobs (University of Oxford) ( Open University of Cyprus bzw. via Link (s. unten) )
27.02.2025 Online-Vortrag: “The Early Medieval Cyclades (7th-9th c.)" (In Greek), Dr Demetris Athanasoulis (Director of the Ephorates of Antiquities of Cyclades and the Dodecanese) ( Open University of Cyprus bzw. via Link (s. unten) )
20.02.2025 Online-Vortrag: “Jesus and the Christians as seen by the pagan satirical writer Lucian of Samosata” (In Greek), Associate Professor Orestis Karavas (University of Peloponnese) ( Open University of Cyprus bzw. via Link (s. unten) )
10.02.2025 Berliner Kolloquium, Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Ute Verstegen: "Architektur, Liturgie und Raumfunktionen in den frühchristlichen Klöstern der Kirche des Ostens" (hybrid) ( Präsenz: Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz, Architekturforum / digital via zoom.us )
10.02.2025 Soeben erschienen: RAC-Lieferung 258/259