
Franz Joseph Dölger-Institut

zur Erforschung der Spätantike

Ius pacis. Tertullian über den Friedenskuss

JbAC 66 (2023) Seiten: 11-20

The ancient custom of a greeting kiss entailed a privilege (ius osculi) that could be tied to one of a number of conditions. After the transition to Christianity, this custom underwent a double change. 1) It was given a new meaning, expressed by the name osculum pacis. 2) A new boundary was drawn, whereby the ius osculi was restricted to the members of the church and thus came to be understood as providing a visible sign of the unity of the ecclesia or ecclesiae (congregations). These facts result from a correct understanding of some of Tertullian’s remarks. In interpreting the texts, it should be noted that the word pax by itself can stand for osculum pacis.

Christian Gnilka