
Franz Joseph Dölger-Institut

zur Erforschung der Spätantike

Anmerkungen zur Deutung eines Reliefsteines aus Kärnten mit vermeintlich jüdischen Symbolen

JbAC 6465 (2021/2022) Seiten: 142-145

In 2023 Herbert Graßl (re-)published a relief stone from the so-called Prunnerkreuz, a 17th century chapel building, which was erected with some spolia material uncovered in the Roman settlement of Virunum (Zollfeld, Austria). Graßl reads some motives of the relief as Jewish symbols, which he interprets in connection with the Sukkot festival. Consequently, he assumes the existence of a late antique synagogue in Virunum. However, a detailed examination evidently shows no unambiguous Jewish symbols and also that the stone cannot be dated with certainty, but is probably modern. The stone insofar cannot serve as evidence for a Jewish cult building in Virunum.

Sebastian Ristow