
Franz Joseph Dölger-Institut

zur Erforschung der Spätantike

Kontrafaktische Überlegungen zum vorzeitigen Tod des Konstantius Chlorus

JbAC 6465 (2021/2022) Seiten: 75-86

The Roman Empire’s tetrarchic constitution introduced by Diocletian experienced its first crucial test already 306, after its first year when Constantius Chlorus, the first of the four tetrarchs died unexpectedly. Might history have taken a different course had he ruled for ten years as intended, rather than just one year? This event enabled Constantine, Constantius’ illegitimate son, but the only one who was old enough and proven, to gain the reins of power. The reflections below culminate in the assumption that, had Constantius survived, both late Roman absolutism and Christian dogmatism might not have got such a radical shape as they did.

Detlef Liebs